Monday, March 30, 2009
Get 'Em Representative Bachmann!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Contact These Key Legislators - Ask For A Hearing This Week!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
China Suggests Global Currency.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
What An Opportunity!!

From "Troubled" to "Toxic" to "Opportunistic".
Glad they changed it so we can take advantage of this opportunity!
Say, wasn't it just yesterday that they called them "non-performing" loans?
No matter, the banks need help and we'd better help them, or we won't be able to go deeper into debt!
Hmmm.... better get in on the ground floor of this unbelievable stroke of business genius.
C'mon everybody!
Line up!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Answering Propaganda
My Response To a Propaganda Video
Here's the Misleading Video:
"B" as in B, "S" as in S.
Pure and utter misinformation.
"Print Money", indeed. Do you really think that (despite them showing the printing presses rolling, as usual) that they are going to "print" $1 Trillion?
No, they are not. They are going to purchase Treasury Securities with electronic bookkeeping entries (don't look surprised, that's how all money is created right now) - driving the U.S. into deeper debt. As if $147 Trillion (documented on the blog listed below) is not enough.
Use caution when you hear people parrot the phrase "print money" or tell you that damn story about Germany; you are about to get misinformed. You have got to ask yourself, why does everyone know that story (misinformation) and NO ONE seems to understand that banks create ALL of our money as debt (loans) and therefore there is no money EVER created in the system to pay the interest owed, thus creating a system that requires continuous and ever growing loans to operate? Why don't people ever know how the system works but they never miss a beat to tell the Germany story? More on Germany below.
You were lied to in college and your smart friend is full of crap like a young crow (gasp! Oh my! What he said! Please, wake up and smell the unpayable interest). Think about it, if they can "print" money why does it drive up the debt? Because they are loaning it out, not printing it up. BIG difference. If you could print your own money, would you be in debt?
Propaganda. Are you buying?
Unpayable interest causes inflation. Interest in the hundreds of percent causes hyperinflation. The interest rate in Germany was 900% (documented on the blog mentioned in this post) and the interest rate in Zimbabwe was 800% the last time it was reported. The overnight lending rate in Zimbabwe was 10,000%. 10,000%!! Do you imagine that you would have to raise your prices several times a day, if you were a shopkeeper with a loan? Of course you would. Interest rates in the hundreds of percent are what cause hyperinflation. In Zimbabwe the banks manipulated the interest rates and refused to make payment for the gold they took delivery of, in order to shut the mines down and buy them at pennies on the dollar – then take the gold, platinum and diamond mines and let them fill with water, sealing them off. Read it on the blog noted in this post. I am not making this up. This was a country righ in natural resources - destroyed by whom? The people? The shopkeepers? They don't set the interest rates. Who does? Who sets interest rates? If you read the work on Zimbabwe, you will find out who ended up with the gold, platinum and diamonds. You will also find out who is starving, in a country that ir rich.
If you want the truth, dig for it here:
If you want to ape the rest of the "experts" that could not predict this, do not understand what it is, have no idea how long it will last, how much it will cost or how to fix it - go ahead. They are clueless. I can prove it. You will be able to as well. You have to learn the difference, because you're up. It's your turn to fight for your country - fight with knowledge. Grandma can't, and neither can the school kids. Tag, you're it.
THINK! IF all of our money is created as loans (loan principal)- THEN none of our money is freely available to pay interest - it is obligated as a principal payment.
Hey, you've taken out a loan, right? Did they give you the principal only? Or did they give you the principal AND the interest - so that you could pay them back principal and interest? Nope. Just the principal, right? Where does the interest come from? Where? Don't say "work" or "production" - the banks do not take that as an interest payment. They only take money. Answer: The interest comes from another loan; and you can never borrow yourself out of debt.
EXAMPLE: Me, you and three others in a room. The door is closed. The 4 of you are playing poker - I am not playing. I am the only one that can give you chips. I only loan them out - at interest. I loan the four of you 10 chips each and charge 10% interest. 40 chips are out. 44 are due. No one has dealt a single card and already the debt (44 chips), is greater than your collective ability to pay (40 chips)! Just think it over. It's ok to reread it.
Play on. I'll guarantee that no matter how hard you "work" or what you “produce" you still only have 40 chips. I will only except 11 chips from any one of you, as payment - that's what each one of you owes, right? At least one of you will go bankrupt - GUARANTEED - to cough up the chips so the others can pay me back. The amount of chips will NEVER increase until I loan more out. The group will ALWAYS owe more chips than they have. Always. That’s our economy. As long as a new guy pulls up a chair and borrows 10 chips, it all looks like it will work. But it does not.
This economic downturn, and all of them that we ever have, is as predictable as the poker game describes. And the answer is obvious. There needs to be chips that do not enter the game as a loan.
So, too, there needs to be money in our economy that does not start as a loan. Now, there is NONE.
Minnesota has bills before its legislature that will fix this glitch in the economy. It can be done state by state, is constitutional, will help the people and the banks, will create many, many jobs, will eliminate every single tax that is used for roads and bridges (fuel tax, wheel tax, some property taxes) and is one of the easiest fixes imaginable.
Don't say "it can't be done" - we do what we decide to do. Whether it’s climb Everest, find the Titanic or build an artificial heart. Make it happen. Pass the law. Otherwise your economies are going to collapse and you will have NO money.
Your country's sovereignty could collapse - many countries are already calling for a world currency. More folly. It too will be a debt pyramid and collapse.
The calamity that will be caused by ignorance, pride and greed will be immense.
There is enough information about the solution here for you to understand the problem, the solution and to get involved:
For some answers: Money As Wealth, Read Bottom to Top
If you use debt for money, that means that you have to borrow to pay interest - THINK ABOUT IT. It cannot work.
A Word From The Crew

Retirement? If You Run A Big Business, You Had Better Be Concerned.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Total Debt and Unfunded Liability Jumps. New Figures.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
I Guess The Cat's Really Out Of The Bag!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Jim Said:

Hey Jim, get ahold of me, I have a BIG story for you!Here's my email:
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Bold Minnesota Legislator! Representative Bruce Anderson Sponsors Meeting

Saturday, March 14, 2009
China is Worried.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Why Don't We Change It Then?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Give 'em Watts Boys!"

The Battle of Springfield, 1780.
The fighting was fierce.
Pastors would lead the men of their church in drill and marksmanship.
Churches would come under attack.
The men ran out of wadding for their muskets.
Reverend James Caldwell went into the church and brought out hymn books.
Isaac Watts, a hymn writer (Joy To The World) had his hymns published in the books.
Reverend Caldwell ripped pages from the hymn books, to use as wadding for the muskets.
He shouted, "Give 'em Watts, Boys!"
Leadership. American Leadership.
This painting hangs in Washington D.C.
In case pastors, reverends, priests, rabbis need some solid footing to address this issue. Here is a start - in the true American tradition:
NEHEMIAH Chapter 5
MATTHEW 21:12, 13
MARK 12:31
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What Does $1 Trillion Look Like?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lessons From History


Moses Receives GAAP

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Don't Worry - Be Happy

Sunday, March 1, 2009
On The Radio - AM 1280

Well - Borrow Some More Then!