
1. Four cowboys in a room want to play poker. They will represent our economy. They have no chips; the chips represent money.
2. There is only one other person in the room. That person sets all the rules on poker chips; we'll call him the "banker". The banker wears a fine suit to give the illusion of legitimacy. The banker has special "attributes" - he has decided that he can create poker chips out of nothing more than the cowboy's "word" and some "collateral". Only the banker is allowed to create chips and he can create an unlimited amount. The banker charges the cowboys 10% interest on all chips created and borrowed for the game. The banker olny creates and loans chips when a cowboy pledges "collateral" to the banker; the banker keeps the collateral should the cowboy not be able to pay the interest charges incured by playing. There is a one hour limit to each game.
3. The Cowboys want chips with which to play poker; so each brings in their collateral:
a saddle / a 6-shooter / a horse / a pair of new boots
4. The banker takes their word or "promise to pay" and creates 10 chips for each cowboy. The chips are a loan.
5. Four cowboys = 40 chips created. Forty chips are in existence and ONLY forty chips. Yet, 44 are due.
NOTE: Before the first card is even dealt, there are 44 chips owed and only 40 to pay with. Think that point through. Think about what that means. Think about what is about to happen. Only 40 chips exist; yet, 44 are due.
6. The game begins. An hour later, at least one cowboy loses big and it's time to pay the banker.
7. One cowboy has no chips. Three cowboys pay the banker back the chips that they "borrowed". Each of the three cowboys who can pay, use the winnings from the "loser" to pay their interest due. One cowboy only has 11 chips, but at least he can pay off his debt. Another cowboy has 12 chips and he can pay the 11 owed and keep one chip for himself. The big winner has 17 chips and can keep 6 of them after paying the banker.
8. All the cowboys look at the one who lost and call him a bad poker player, or unlucky, or worse, and make a mental note to charge him more for pasture land, next season, seeing he is such a bad money manager. They will tell their friends too.
9. The "loser"? Well, the loser has no chips left. He lost it all. Then, the banker says he's sure sorry that things turned out that way, but he will have to take possession of the new boots that were put up for collateral. In addition, the banker informs him that he will no longer lend chips to him because he is a bad risk and has no collateral.
10. The other three cowboys want to play again because, well, it was fun and that's what cowboys do! They are so greedy that they will step over their friend who has just been scammed in a fraudulent transaction, in hopes of selfish gain, ignore the fact that they will end up just like him as the game continues and join others in treating him differently because they see themselves as "successful" instead of the easy marks that they have made themselves. So, the banker lends more chips and the losers furnish interest for the winners. This continues until the bank owns everything, closes down the game and puts all of his chips away.
The banker worked with no cattle, branded no bulls, shod no horses, did not sleep on the open plains, did not ride in the rain, did not help birth a calf, was not away from his family; he did no work. No, he only conjured up a scam, worthy of a carnival midway and tricked otherwise hard working cowboys to VOLUNTARILY give up their wealth by engaging in that scam. If the cowboys ever figured it out, would they be angry? Is this type of scam a fair medium of exchange for the cowboys and their families? The above example has very little to do with poker playing and everything to do with the banker's scam.
You are the cowboy. You are being scammed. Look at the headlines. The entire planet is being scammed by these criminal bankers. They create no wealth - yet the own everything! Why? It's not because they have the money to lend you - they do not. They simply make it up, each and every time they make a loan. They own everything because you are not paying attention and are not willing to stop listening to the "professional" peddlers of misinformation. For goodness sake, think about it: when a bank makes a $10 loan it creates the $10 in new money but where does the $1 to pay interest come from? They never create that. Answer? It comes from record bankruptcies; people losing everything so that the scam can continue. In addition, counterfeiting and money laundering prop up the economy by becoming money that enters the system but does not get paid back to the bankers because it is not a loan; it therefore becomes available for someone to capture in commerce and pay their interest.
It's the simplest of math: before the first card is dealt, in the above example, their is more debt than chips to pay. Likewise, as we use debt for money, borrowing every dollar into existence (not a function of our economy, but a function of banking), allowing banks to create unlimited loan principal but never any interest due, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE DEBT THAN OUR ABILITY TO PAY. This FORCES us to borrow to pay interest.
It cannot work.
So. Change it.
But first you'll need to understand it. You will have to catch on to the banker's scam. You will NEVER catch on as long as you listen to the so-called "experts" in the media. If these people did not sing from a banker approved sheet of music, their banker funded directors would yank them off the stage. Even most "alternative" sources are tainted with large amounts of misinformation.
There is one easy, quick, monetarily, financially and Constitutionally sound remedy: Monetize the Production of a Value Added Infrastructure Rebuild
Here's the bill that could do it: THE SOLUTION