Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Plumbing of a Global Crisis and HOW TO STOP THE MESS!

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Black Box Algorithm. There is NO "Free Market".
Criminal Probe of AIG Dropped.

Don't worry, your retirement is safe with them. So is your justice sys... err... I mean legal system... and your Bill of Rights - all safe.Now, have another drink, go back to sleep and believe the nice lady on TV. Slllleeeeeeeepp."When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
Friday, May 14, 2010

- States would take in bids for infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, etc.) using the same process they do now. Nothing need change there.
- According to this new legislation, State Chartered Banks would create and deposit the money to pay for the new project - without creating it and then loaning it to the States (Face it, they create it now as debt, they could just as easily create is as a payment; we already have too much of the debt stuff.).
- The new money would be deposited into the States Transportation Account. Now they have the money needed to rebuild their State.
- Other States would follow.
- We could rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure - debt free!
- There would be a huge tech boom as we add value and technology that's gentle on the earth, to the rebuild. It would dwarf the space program.
- Schools and research and labor and design and equipment and a better standard of living and JOBS!!
- The new, debt free money that would flow into the States would stabilize our economy and allow us to pay down the debt, bring manufacturing jobs back to America and end unemployment.
- America would be a role model for the world.
- Other countries could adopt the same strategy and illegal immigration would slow dramatically - THEY WOULD HAVE JOBS THERE TOO!
- The world economy would begin to right itself.
- Oh yeah, and arrest the criminal bankers for fraud and financial genocide and never go down this phony bank-loans-nothing-and-collects-everything road again!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Audit the Fed? I Got Your Audit The Fed Right Here!

That's the real news.
Friday, May 7, 2010
WHAT? Minnesota Out of Money??

Minnesota is THE State that can fix this - right now!
In fact, the Governor and most all of the Minnesota Legislature has heard our proposal.
So, they will preside over the economic downfall
They are too timid and have let the banking lobby intimidate them.
I know this for a fact because I was personally told by a MN Representative that the banking lobby had sent people to come behind us and spread disinformation.
I challenged the banking lobbyists to a debate.
They lost the debate.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Enough Is Enough. Arrest The Criminal Bankers And Give The People An Honest Money System!

All The Gold In The World.

Monday, May 3, 2010
You Want Jobs? We Have The Answer.
It should be apparent that we cannot borrow our way out of debt, nor can we borrow our way into prosperity.
Don't you think we need a source of money that is debt free - that does not have to go back to the criminal banks (they never really had it to begin with) and drag interest with it?
Of course we do. We need a source of money that enters the economy as final payment and is not obligated to be two places at once (payment to the producer and payment to the banks)!
If you couple new money to production, it can't get into a dangerous hyperinflationary cycle. If that production is something that everyone needs (transportation infrastructure) and everyone wants (seen your roads and bridges lately?) then you have a solution waiting to happen.
If it puts millions of people back to work and uses the best technology (we would not have to skimp - we are not borrowing the money) to begin a high-tech, value added, infrastructure rebuild, TAX FREE, DEBT FREE, INFLATION FREE, what's the hold up?
- Get Educated.
- Political muscle. (That means you guide the politicians to do the right thing)
- State Chartered Banks that return the profit to the people who do the work. (Not to private corporate banks - most of them offshore)
- Political leadership. (You need to get involved)
2. You should learn to love the fascist police state that you have allowed and explain to your child (one child policies could become mandatory in U.S. soon) that you were just a little too busy to protect our Republic from the criminal banking cartels – and don’t ever tell them how simple the solution was (stop using their stupid debt based money and start using wealth based money – duh!).
If you would just dust the criminal bankers off your backside, you might actually be able to get somewhere and be able to offer your family a better, cleaner, less corrupted life.
Or, you can ignore the facts and let the bankers continue to financially rape you and steal your substance. You can listen to the misinformation on network and cable news (that the financial elite own), believe that the "other party" is at fault (Hey, haven't you noticed? The same stuff is going on under this guy as went on under the last guy you hated? WAKE UP! They work for the same people.).
That plan has gotten you this far:
1. Economic collapse
2. Nationalized banks
3. Nationalized insurance companies
4. Nationalized auto industry
5. Near record unemployment.
6. An ever-increasing police state.
7. Now they are coming for your retirement.
8. Look for them to buy off (bail out) the press and what's left of the media.
9. Then clamp down on the Internet (you don't need all of that information, now, do you?).
10. Followed by any other freedom and scrap of liberty you may have left.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
It's Not The Heat, It's The World Government!