Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bankruptcies - No End In Sight.


More bankruptcies occuring.

In fact, more bankruptcies are REQUIRED!

Don't you wonder what happens to the money that was borrowed and then spent into the economy, when a person goes bankrupt?
The money is now "out" in the economy, right? It did not get paid back to the bank, right?
That is the money, that the rest of the "customers" of this scam the banking system is running on the world, use to pay their interest. As you know, there is no mechanism in the system, to create money to pay interest, the way it is set up now.
We should change that so that we have a system that works without requiring bankruptcies, fraud and money laundering - just to function.
Passing HF888 & SF 705 will give us a mechanism to create money to pay interest so that we can pay off our debts without the bankruptcies having to provide the money to pay interest.
These bills will monetize the production of infrastructure (make new money based on the infrastructure produced - real, sound, money), debt free, so that new money flows into the economy, as contractors and workers are paid to rebuild our country.
What That Means
No borrowing for infrastructure. It's not a loan. It does not have to be paid back. Did I mention, it's not a loan? We all get to use the new roads and bridges. Banks see fewer loan defaults, across the economy. States balance their budgets. Bond holders are paid back. People are put to work. More people can afford to pay their mortgage. New home buyers can sop up the excess homes on the market. It's not a "give away" - it's work! We have safer modern roads. The economy is fixed. It spreads across the globe. Nations economies begin to right themselves. No one is hurt. No one loses. The fabric of the universe is not torn in two because we changed a man made rule so that it works for everyone. It is simple to do - simply change an accounting practice that needs to be upgraded anyway. Everything else stays the same.
This is E=mc^2 simple. And just as big.
If we don't fix it - you will lose your country.
These bills will fix it.