Tuesday, December 16, 2008

High Speed, "Bullet-Point" Review

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Let's Review

  • Banks create all money.
  • They do it when they make loans.
  • Banks only create the principal when they make a loan.
  • Banks never create money to pay interest when they make a loan.
  • Since banks create all of the money as loan principal, then money to pay interest on one loan, comes from someone else's loan principal.
  • Therefore, there is always more debt than money!
  • That means increased levels of bankruptcies.
  • Bankruptcies provide the system with money to pay interest - not taught in schools, but the truth.
  • This debt based money system, institutionalizes corruption.
  • When loan principal is repaid, it gets "extinguished".
  • Thus, we can never get out of debt - unless we change to a wealth based system.
  • Gold will not work as money - there is not enough of it in the entire world to pay off our debt.
  • If we paid off all the debt, we would have no money in circulation.
  • That's because we use debt for money.
  • 3 ways to get money into circulation - gift it, loan it or spend it.
  • You should be aware of the consequences of each.
  • We should "spend it, not lend it"
  • The Federal Reserve does not "print up" our money - it loans out "money"
  • Most of the money you see on T.V., rolling off the printing press, is to replace existing worn out Federal Reserve Notes.
  • "Velocity is what pays interest" - is a sham - a phantom explanation - money can't be principal and interest payments at the same time, no matter how fast it changes hands.
  • "Production pays interest" is a sham too. Production is not money - and you need money to pay interest, today. If you sell your production for money, somewhere in the system that money was borrowed, in order for it to exist.
  • Production and money are different.
  • A debt based money system, ensures that the one doing the loaning eventually gets the property.
  • The people doing the work, should get the property.
  • Property Rights are essential to a free people - the essence of liberty.
  • If you do all the work and someone else gets the property - that's slavery.
  • We should own our money.
  • Now, we don't.
  • But, we could.
  • There is a glitch in the way we finance infrastructure, if we "Fix the Glitch" it will heal our economy.
  • The MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION ACT (MTA) will "Fix the Glitch".
  • The MTA can give us honest money, free of debt, interest and inflation.
  • The MTA will authorize the debt free funding of safe, modern bridges and roads.
  • The MTA can create millions of jobs, decrease and in some cases eliminate taxes.
  • The MTA is a robust solution that will showcase Minnesota leadership.
  • You can help!
  • Email us to find out how: moneyaswealth@gmail.com