What Did You Expect?
If you continue to allow your government to use bank created debt for money, and you have "debt fears", prepare for a lifetime of financial fear.
Use some common sense. If you want a strong economy, you need 3 things:
1. Debt free money.
Money can enter the economy 3 ways:
a) Loaned In. b) Gifted In. c) Spent In.
Option C is best.
No borrowing. Constitutional. Financially sound. Leads to prosperity and liberty.
2. Transportation infrastructure.
Even if you are trading beads from your tent to mine, you need a path (transportation infrastructure) to make it happen. Transportation of goods to the market is essential. Transportation infrastructure is necessary to conduct commerce.
3. Employment and innovation.
We could do a complete infrastructure rebuild that is both high tech and gentle on the environment. Pay the contractors and workers in real, debt free money - not borrowed from banks, but spent in by each state. NO Debt. Mega jobs. Huge tech boom. Better lives. Increased savings. Stabilized economy.
Use Your Head.
Don't Be A Parrot.
Think For Yourself.