The Pace With Which The World Changes, Quickens.
- As the pace of change quickens, our money supply will need to expand,
- As our infrastructure crumbles around us, we will need debt free funding to rebuild,
- As dependence on foreign oil threatens, we need a clean, cost effective answer,
- As Social Security faces unpayable obligations,
- As foreign and domestic "leaders" endanger U.S. Sovereignty with ideas like a World Currency,
- As the borrow / bond / tax / bailout scheme has reached runaway exponential proportions, we will need innovative answers,
- These answers are here, on this blog.
- Read it from the bottom to the top.
- Share it with those you know.
- Email us to find out what you can do to fix our economy.
- Don't leave it to those who brought us to this point - they don't know how to fix it.